Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Short and quick

So, a quick info post from Queens. Although the percentage of HIV/AIDS in Malawi is around 11-12%, the percentage of patients admitted to the hospital with HIV/AIDS is around 75%. A lot of problems the patients have are secondary infections due to these problems. 40% of the people on Malawi are stunted due to malnutrition. Also, imagine a hospital functioning for a whole day with no water supply... Or on a daily basis you cannot find toiletpaper in the staff bathrooms and nothing to dry your hands with after you wash your hands (that is if you are lucky enough to find soap since it's portioned out). Tubing and ambubags are hung out to dry in open air, as I posted on FB. Don't even get me started on the staffing problems. Anyway, some info about our day to day work here at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital... Have a good one!


  1. Wow! We really don't realize just how fortunate we are!!

  2. I will henceforth stop complaining about everything that does not exist with us at OUS. I PROMISE

  3. Sissel, complain as much as you like, just keep this in mind while u do it. Savner deg Sissel, ta deg en tur da vel!!! ;-D
